The Omni printer driver provides support for over 450 printers using the Ghostscript framework. In addition, it provides a model for dynamically loading printer drivers, creating new devices by editing device description files, and simplifies new printer driver development by allowing for the subclassing of previous device features. Feel free to email us at hamzy the-at-sign if you have
any questions, comments, or patches.

September 28, 2004 | | Version 0.9.2 is released |
December 19, 2003 | | Version 0.9.1 is released |
April 1, 2003 | | Version 0.9.0 is released |
February 14, 2003 | | Version 0.7.3 is released, supporting 461 devices |

The OMNI printer driver model is distributed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL). For a copy of this license see the GNU web site here
List of all supported printers
OMNI presentation from LinuxWorld August 2001
Version 0.9.2
- Fix from Tim Waugh on the Foomatic data generation of the PageSize (Form) option.
- Fixes from Oswald Buddenhagen for autoconf support.
- Added sendBinaryDataToDevice and sendPrintfToDevice to DeviceBlitter and DeviceInstance in order to remove all occurences of pDevice_d in every device's blitter and instance code.
- More validation of omni XML files. Fixed OmniDevice.xsd.
- Fixed simulationRequired in Copies, NUps, Orientations, and Sides.
- Made a new library to hide which internal XML handling library that we use.
- Brought UPDF a little closer to working.
- Created Python version of the tool used to edit XML files. Switched to that version to use for Omni. Now installing that version.
- Fixed CUPSToOmni not using different job properties on the command line.
- Added missing string translation for "PanelSelect".
- Fixed bug in PrinterCommand::appendCommand ().
- Fixed bug in OmniEpsonBlitter::translateKeyValue ().
- Foomatic fixes. Apparently for foomatic PPDs, the option name cannot be longer than 24 characters and the choice name no longer than 32 characters.
- NumberUpPresentationDirection -> NumberUpDirection
- Added new IBM devices "IBM Infoprint 1356J", "IBM Infoprint 1356J PAGES"
- Took in RedHat fixes for XMLParser, DeviceScaling, OmniPDCProxy
- Fixed na_govt-legal_8.00x10.00in misspelling in "IBM Infoprint 2085 Forms", "Epson EPL-5700 Connections", "Epson EPL-N2000 Connections", and "Epson EPL-N1600 Connections"
- Fixed buffer overflows in all bitmap dumping routines. Fixed other Beam reported bugs.
- Fixed bug in "IBM 5577 Instance"
Complete Changelog
Download OMNI
OMNI can be downloaded from SourceForge
Visit the OMNI CVS page on SourceForge.
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Request support for a new device
- Mark Hamzy hamzy an-at-sign
- Mark VanderWiele markv an-at-sign
- Pete Zannucci pzaan an-at-sign